Scan to Note
Look easy? It should because it is easy to scan information into a note!
Scan to Note is a basic barcode scanner.
Do you need to scan information into an email? Use this free, basic barcode scanning app to scan barcodes and collect the values into a text file that can be saved, exported, and emailed from the app.
This is a perfect option to use your own cell phone to scan barcodes. For example, inventory, trade shows or attendance documentation.
Get the Scan to Note App.
Exactly what I needed *****
I was looking for a way to scan multiple FedEx barcodes in the mailing room and produce a text file that I could share thru Dropbox and have them handy in my computer without having to buy a wireless scanner. While the app only allows to email the note, I can select all the text and share it using the iOS services and save it to Dropbox. The developer could add the iOS share functionality and make it easier. 5 stars.
We have since added a share button to send to Dropbox, Google Drive, and more!
It does work! *****
For QR it does exactly what they said. I'm using it for solution of Filmaker to scan codes when offline. 5 stars.
Need more features or a white label product? Then it's time to drop me a line!